IMS Homepage

Education Website Revamp


Sekgamdong Ltd is a digital agency that provides both digital product development and event digital creatives. They mainly focus on cooperation with beauty brands like SK-II, Shishido, and Guerlain... They aimed to revamp their website to improve the user experience and let more potential customers understand their business.

My Role

UX/UI Designer


1 UX/UI Designer,
1 Render Developer,
1 Project Manager


13 Months

Problem Discovery

The lack of information on our projects and services presenting on the website. Difficult to figure out what 
product can Sekgamdong provide to them.

Empathy Map

User are looking for successful plans and examples that fits to promotional their products.
They feel confuse and frustration when they cannot see some brands or ideas they acquainted.

Identified Pain Point

The presentation of projects and ideas cannot satisfy the potential client to relay on the agency


No Clear Contact Information

There is no email/ phone number or any social media link(button) that can direct contact to Sekgamdong


No digital solutions example

There is not enough ideas or photos presenting the idea proposed by agency accepted by client and bring into real-life


No acquaint brand

User cannot find some brands they known to convince their boss the agency is reliable

User Flow

A portfolio site for ideas presentation, brands co-operations, digital solutions to reduce the effort of user on research informations


By revamp the site map to decrease the total number of pages, integrate or rewrite the similar contact into same pages.

Design highlight

IMS Homepage

Renaming and sitemap rebuild

By creating renaming the resources, most of the materials can be form as a group and available for google search server can scan through the website and build up better SEO result.

Application page redesign

By redesign the admission page with calendar, user can more easy to arrange the visit time or programs they interested in by timetable instead of calls.

Mobile Responsive Design

By building the mobile responsive mode, User may easy access to projects by using on the Hamburger Menu.



According to Page Speed Insights, the average page reaction time decreased from 5sec to 1sec.


Total 120 pages of materials decreased to 40 pages, integration force user have patient on using the website.

Page Visit
Increasing Trend

Average page visit increased by 20%, and reach 100,000 visitors.