BOC Pay Lucky Draw

Mobile App subpage design


BOC Pay is a payment app developed by the Bank Of China(Hong Kong). They would like to promote the app through the lucky draw. Customers are able to join once they click on the pages we created.

My Role

UX/UI Designer


1 UX/UI Designer,
1 Front-end Developer,
2 Project Manager


4.5 Months

Problem Discovery

Adjust our design to fulfill requirements between the Bank of China developer team and the Bank of China marketing team. Also attract most of customers to download the BOC app.

Empathy Map

User are looking for a way to join the lucky draw. They also looking for some introduction on how can they use the BOC Pay app in their daily life.

Identified Pain Point

The lack of information for leads to frustration on download the BOC Pay app


Request on data entry

Complicated steps and process on lucky draw may lead to loss of motivation on download the app


Lack of information

Not enough official information announce by bank


Security Vulnerability

To join the lucky draw may expose the operation of bank may leads a Security vulnerability

User Flow and Wire Frame

A lucky draw page in the BOC Pay app which require an enrollment and some steps to join it

Design highlight

BOC Pay Lucky Draw

Component Library

By creating Component Library, each parties can check, review and provide comment on the design during design progress.

Hero-banner Design

By assort with the brand image and the lucky draw theme, we created over 40 versions of banners to fit them

Confirmation Gif

By provide gif in the Confirmation page, the message of enrollment would be stronger than a image or word.


Application of App Increased

The respawn from client shown us there is >200,000 lucky draw application.

Best Performance Season In The Year

The respawn from client shown us the number of installation grows the most in that period of time.

Become Long-term Client

The Bank of China keep the co-operation relationship with our agency.